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houari-ch : houari-ch
salut toulmende ... ..une amiti prope et serieux ... et bavardé un peux piuceque je sui regolo jaime la vie simple!!!!

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Creation: 06/05/2009 16:42
Update: 09/05/2009 15:44
Articles 2
Images 2
Visits of the week 2449
Total visits 595

houari-ch :: houari-ch

houari has no other blog!
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France - houari
Position: 1949/56779 members

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/05/2009 15:44


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: hay evrybody - 09/05/2009 15:42

hay evrybody

  pour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! toulmende!!!!!!!!!

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! de le timide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!